• Hotels

    We make contract projects for hotels. The INDDISE difference is that we offer furniture contract tailored solutions, customized and tailored to any budget.
    All work on furniture equipment contract aims at excellence. For us the excellence comes from our quality products which are resistant with a long life.

    Some of our clients are:

    Hotel Chains IHG.
    Grupo Vidanta (Maya Hotels).
    Holiday Inn.
    Camino Real.
    El Cid Resort.
    Group Sidek.
  • Restaurants

    Tourism product that is sold is a unique experience or a singular sensation in the food of the restaurant. Achieving this goal requires professionals and a transverse perspective.

    Some of our clients are:

    Alsea (Starbucks).
    Sirloin Stockade.
    Restaurant Cabanna (Los Arcos).
    Restaurant Julia Mía (Group Tokal).
  • Outdoor Furniture

    At INDDISE we manufacture garden furniture for use in restaurants, hotels, terraces, etc. We use the most advanced techniques for increased protection for outdoor furniture. Our furniture is highly recommended for use outdoors since it is manufactured taking into account the conditions of use of most demanding customers.
    The type of furniture that we produce:
    - Terrace chairs.
    - Outdoor tables.
    - Outdoor sofas, etc.
    We manufacture any furniture for your project. We are specialists in outdoor furniture.

HOURS: 8:00am - 17:30hrs Monday to Friday